Incident Response Plan

Incident Response Plan

The Incident Response Plan lays down a set of actionable steps in case of the encounter of a cyber-attack and/or possible data security violation.

1. Preparation

  • instruction of employees about general behaviour in terms of preventing attacks and data security violations

  • instruction of employees about how to act and react in cases of incidents

  • development of training scenarios

  • evaluation and optimization of the response plans, based on training scenarios

  • keeping all technical systems updated and patched to the most current releases

2. Identification

3. Containment

  • contain the attack/violation and prevent that additional areas/systems are affected

  • secure production system efficacy on highest possible plateau

  • secure information that may lead to identifying the responsible party and root cause

  • make security backups of all affected systems for later inspection and analysis, internally and/or externally

  • inform all affected staff and third parties as applicable and agreed in the according data processing agreements

4. Elimination

  • identify the root cause

  • eliminate the root cause

  • remove affected corrupted files (if applicable)

  • confirm that security patches/updates are at most current release

  • make affected systems more robust against the identified attack/fix data processing procedure to eliminate data security violation

5. Recovery

  • confirm that all affected systems have been purged of any malicious code/malware etc.

  • confirm that all entry points of an identified attack have been closed

  • confirm that any identified data security violation is impossible

  • bring affected systems back to ready-for-production mode and go live again

6. Retrospect

  • structured after-incident-meeting with all involved parties

  • collection and documentation of insights won during the incident

  • review of Incident Response Plan and extension/optimization where applicable

  • review of Incident Response team effort, align communication processes if necessary

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